WFLCOC was formed by Bikers for Bikers Rights.

We as Bikers have gotten together, along with our community supporters in order to increase biker awareness and help improve laws to protect ALL motorcycle riders who share our roadways. Safety is one of our main objectives... Profiling is real, don't be a victim.. The COC exists to bring communication through clubs, and improve the motorcyclist image, support legislation for the betterment of motorcycling, and allow clubs to come to a neutral spot and meet to discuss issues. They monitor and protect our biker rights in the court system and have a lawyer that help to unravel legal red tape. The COC should be the starting point for any motorcycle group that seeks to improve their knowledge on the rights of motorcyclists locally, state and nationally and how to defend those rights.

For more information:

Email us:

West Florida Confederation of Clubs

Bear Vice Chairman WFLCOC